(c) MRSA Action UK October 2010

World MRSA Day, raising awareness and looking beyond 50 years since the discovery of MRSA
October 2nd is World MRSA Day. Here in the UK Kings College Hospital held an awareness day on Friday 1st October 2010. The day was well under way when Derek Butler and Maria Cann arrived to kick-off things here in the UK. They were invited to give the patient and relative perspective remembering those who have suffered, and to remind everyone of the significance of this important day, there were stands at the hospital for patients and the public to visit and ask questions. There will be awareness raising events throughout October and MRSA Action UK will also be visiting other NHS Hospital Trusts giving patient and relative case studies during infection prevention and control training events with staff and meeting the public.
MRSA Action UK kick-off event, Friday 1st October 2010
10:30am - 12:00pm, The Hambleden Wing, Kings College Hospital
The event will be broadcast on NHS 247 TV
Staff at Kings College Hospital held their awareness event in the Golden Jubilee wing, where all staff and members of the public could join in and learn about the key things for infection prevention and clean, safe care. Derek is pictured with Ogra Marufu and her team at the 'pod' in the Golden Jubilee wing.

Derek's presentation can be downloaded here
10:30am - 12:00pm, The Hambleden Wing, Kings College Hospital
The event will be broadcast on NHS 247 TV
Staff at Kings College Hospital held their awareness event in the Golden Jubilee wing, where all staff and members of the public could join in and learn about the key things for infection prevention and clean, safe care.

Pictured from left to right:
Derek showed Hayleigh and Jamie, Hayleigh wanted to be the Charity's mascot in memory of her Uncle Colin. Jamie is pictured aged 4. He is now 21. When he was 10 he had an accident building a tree-house, his leg was severely injured and torn from his thigh to his ankle. Surgeons at the Bristol Royal Infirmary warned his parents that the greatest risk for him was infection. They worked for 9 hours to repair his leg, after care was exemplary and after months of physiotherapy he came back to full strength. He tells the girls that the scar is a shark bite. Sadly his nan Patricia Margaret didn't survive her brush with MRSA. |
Derek reminded everyone of a quote from Aristotle "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit" Doing the right thing correctly every time we give care and challenging poor practice should become a habit, making zero tolerance to avoidable infections a reality. |
Charles Darwin's lesson from history "it is not the strongest of species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" We need to be as responsive as the bacteria in the battle against infections. |
Dr Geraldine Walters, Executive Director of Nursing & Midwifery thanked Derek for the presentation which gave staff an opportunity to hear the patient and relatives perspective on the care they had received. |
Activities continued in the entrance to the Golden Jubilee wing, which was apt since Staphylococcus aureus if often referred to as 'golden staph' since it can appear golden when viewed under the microscope. |
Rachael gives staff and visitors the opportunity to test their handwashing technique with a light box. Rachael agrees that infection prevention is everyone's business, when we told her a question we usually ask at conferences and awareness events is "how many infection control staff have you in your hospital?" we expect the staff to say "everyone is part of the infection control team". |
Jenny's stand had information for staff on IV lines and a checklist outlining the standards that are expected. | Derek talks to Caroline Rawlinson at the stand. |
Derek's presentation can be downloaded here
If you or someone you care about has been affected by a healthcare infection and you wish to discuss this with us, please contact us at info@mrsaactionuk.net