(c) MRSA Action UK October 2011
Derek Butler presented Healthcare Infections, the Challenge Ahead at the launch of Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust's
Hand Hygiene Week
October 17th 2011
Infection Prevention and Control Specialist Nurse, Gloria Moss, welcomed Derek Butler, Maria Cann and Sue Spratt to Dorchester County Hospital's launch of hand hygiene week. There were opportunities to meet staff on the wards and see the activities that were going on to promote hand hygiene compliance with everyone. Staff had designed t-shirts, baked cakes and got involved with children in designing posters and prompts to encourage everyone to practice good hand hygiene.
We were pleased to meet Jean O'Callaghan again following her move from Bedford Hospital to Dorchester.
Alison Tong Director of Infection Prevention and Control,
Derek Butler, Chair MRSA Action UK and Jean O'Callaghan, Chief Executive
At the launch of the event Chief Executive, Jean O'Callaghan encouraged staff to challenge anyone who may forget to observe hand hygiene at the point of care, no matter who they were. Staff would not get into trouble for challenging someone more senior if needed, they would be congratulated.
Staff and Board members listened to Derek as he gave the opening talk on the patient perspective and the challenges that lay ahead for them. There were challenges across the healthcare setting, and the patient journey beyond the hospital setting was covered in Derek's presentation showing the human cost when things didn't work out. Good examples of healthcare were given to show the positive outcomes this had on patients and families. Information and communication were key in ensuring the transition between the home and hospital setting gave the best chances of rehabilitation and quality care. Training and audit to ensure good practice was a habit were key to safe care. Derek used our favourite quote from Aristotle "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then, is not an act, but a habit"
Derek's presentation set the scene for Judy Blake's presentation on work that was happening with the Primary Care Trust.
Following the announcement that community dental providers would need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission from 1 April 2011, the PCT undertook a programme of audit and quality assurance in January 2010 to support the NHS and private dental providers in meeting the essential standards of quality and safety, with particular emphasis on infection control standards. This proactive approach identified gaps and enabled dental providers to take action which will give assurance to patients that every effort is being made to meet the hygiene standards.
Work with GP surgeries, pharmacies, County Council, ambulance and emergency services on meeting the requirements of Care Quality Commission and the Health and Social Care Act 2008 in relation to the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections was included in Judy's presentation, as was the training given on hand hygiene with local schools and support for care homes.
Training for cleaners in the primary care setting was something that Judy wished to take forward giving access to the support that is on a par to that which is available in the hospital setting.
We look forward to continue working with Dorset County in promoting good practice in preventing infections and saving lives.
The cake, made by staff at the hospital was raffled and the winner would choose which ward would recieve the cake. The design is to show the bare below the elbows policy that the Trust ha sadopted, no jewelry or false nails, nail polish, that can harbour bacteria, ultimately resulting in the potential to give a patient an infection
If you or someone you care about has been affected by a healthcare infection and you wish to discuss this with us, please contact us at info@mrsaactionuk.net