Reducing Clostridium difficile
Portland Place, London

28 November 2007

Chaired by Professor Brian Duerden

Inspector of Microbiology and Infection Control

Department of Health



Claude Newson and Derek Butler attended the event in London which gave an opportunity to network and share experiences on quality care and patient safety. There was an opportunity to reiterate concerns regarding 50 NHS Hospital Trusts who were not showing improvement or taking control of the situation regarding outbreaks of Clostridium difficile.  Derek outlined that if you get the safety culture in place then the quality of care is automatic and infections will reduce, some trusts were doing this, so there was a need to learn from the best.


Chaired by Professor Brian Duerden, presentations were given on the scale of the problem with Clostridium difficile in the UK and the high impact interventions to reduce infection rates. Recognising and assessing risk on the wards, developing education, training and competence. Changing practice in antibiotic prescribing.; reversing the trend; changing services and practice and implementing change in two weeks.



Monitoring and surveillance of Clostridium difficile: an update

Andrew Pearson

Health Protection Agency


Developing Education, Training and Competence on the Wards

Janet Shepherd Deputy Chief Nurse, NHS London & Pat Cattini

Head Infection Prevention and Control Nurse


Reducing Clostridium difficle Implementing Change in Two Weeks

Dr Yasmin Drabu

Medical Director - Barking, Havering and Redbridge Trusts




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