Speech to Parliamentary Scientific Committee Portcullis House, 22 January 2008 Professor Hugh Pennington, President MRSA Action MRSA, New, Yet Old When asked to become President of MRSA Action UK I accepted without hesitation. The decision had nothing to do with my own status as an MSSA carrier (I have been one since my medical student days) but was due to the privilege of becoming formally associated with an organisation typical of the best British special interest groups - ones which exert beneficial effects on policy far outweighing their sparse resources - and because of its aim, which is to prevent the preventable. It is hard to think of a better example of Hegel's principle - " what experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it" - than MRSA. Its history also exemplifies another principle - that the relationship between science, practice, and policy is hardly ever simple or straightforward. Perhaps most disappointing of all, is that although the story of MRSA science has been one dominated by British discoveries, we currently languish at the bottom of the international league of success in controlling it in our hospitals. MRSA stands for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Medical bacteriology became a science in the late nineteenth century, It was dominated by Germans. They discovered most of the important organisms. The big exception was S. aureus, which was first identified and named in 1880 by Alexander Ogston, a surgeon at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Ogston was an enthusiastic proponent of the antiseptic methods developed by Joseph Lister in Lister's carbolic worked against the staphylococcus. But it was toxic. Not only did it wreck the hands, it was absorbed through the skin and damaged the kidneys. When a surgeon started to pass black urine it was time for him to take a holiday. Alternative antiseptics came in. Research done in the 1890s showed that hand hygiene with alcohol worked well against S. aureus. Its therapeutic index - comparison of its staphylococcal killing power against its ability to cause dermatitis - was good. It was widely adopted. But rubber gloves were introduced and its use fell away. In the 1930s the standard multi-volume British bacteriology textbook was the Medical Research Council's System of Bacteriology. Alexander Fleming wrote the chapter on Staphylococcus.Its preparation required him to do some research. It led to the discovery of penicillin in 1928. And the first patient to be treated in its first clinical trial by Howard Florey and his team at Fleming discovered the first naturally-occurring penicillin-resistant staphylococci in 1942. Then they were uncommon. However, important research by the bacteriologist Mary Barber at the Hammersmith Hospital in London showed that not only did they increase proportionately soon after the introduction of penicillin ( from 12.5% in April-November 1946 to 38% by February-June 1947) but that the rise was not caused by the organisms becoming resistant while patients were being treated. It was due to the spread of a resistant strain in the hospital. Such strains made penicillinase, a penicillin-destroying enzyme. In response a penicillin derivative resistant to the enzyme, methicillin, was developed by the Beecham Research Laboratories in MRSA are antibiotic resistant because they have acquired a gene, mec A, that allows them to build cell walls (a process blocked by penicillin antibiotics) in the presence of methicillin. At least eleven different MRSA have evolved independently in different parts of the world. A turning point for the The Dutch and Scandinavian success in controlling MRSA has been due to their policy of "search and destroy". Key elements are the treatment of MRSA carriers in single rooms with barrier precautions, the screening and precautionary isolation of high-risk patients (eg those from endemic places like the UK) until negative test results come, the vigorous investigation of all patients and healthcare workers in a ward if any patient becomes a carrier, and the closure of a ward to new patients if there is evidence of the transmission of infection. Hand disinfection is not mentioned in Dutch guidelines because it is already being done assiduously. Using mathematical modelling the Dutch have concluded that their success has been due to their combined approach - no single measure will work on its own - and that if applied to the During the first three decades of their evolution UK MRSA caused local outbreaks. A degree of complacency developed; "search and destroy" was deemed to be too expensive. When EMRSA 15 and 16 appeared they were not taken seriously enough. Old habits die hard; policy makers have only just begun to give isolation the attention it needs. Staphylococci grow well on agar plates. But saying that exhausts virtually all that is straightforward about them. All attempts to develop vaccines have failed. We do not know why some people carry S.aureus for life and others not, neither do we understand why EMRSA are such successful nosocomial pathogens. For the overwhelming majority of patients infected in hospital, the precise route of transmission is never established. Is aerial transmission important? We do not know. Will the new community MRSA strains establish themselves in hospitals? We can only guess. Some complain that MRSA have become political. Their analysis is right, but their judgment wrong. All infections have a political dimension. Consider foot and mouth disease. Even before it ceased to be endemic in (c) Professor Hugh Pennington January 22 2008