About MRSA

staphylococcus bacteria

This information has been produced to help you understand MRSA. It is designed to answer some of the questions patients, the public and those who come into contact with people who have MRSA often ask. It also discusses the diagnosis and treatment of MRSA.

The information is also designed to help inform partners, friends, families and carers, and anyone who is concerned about how MRSA affects people and what can be done to treat it.

Treatments for MRSA including antibiotic therapy and other treatment is also discussed, as is the reason for screening for MRSA and other bacteria that can cause infection, for example MSSA. The information discusses what is involved in screening, diagnosis, treatment and how each of these may help you.

MRSA affects people in and outside of hospital, there is also information on how to deal with MRSA outside of hospital here. Information about how MRSA is dealt with in hospital is listed below.

This information is not a substitute for qualified medical care, if you are unwell please seek medical advice. The information is intended to complement information that should be provided by your doctors and nurses caring for you.


email: info@mrsaactionuk.net

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