Expert Reference Group

Healthcare Associated Infections

This group advises the Healthcare Commission on the content and methodology for assessing healthcare providers' arrangements for the prevention and control and healthcare associated infection.  The group advises on asssessing arrangements for health and social care across the patients' care pathway.


Membership of the group:


Healthcare Commission

Department of Health

NHS Trusts

MRSA Action UK

Health & Safety Executive

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

National Audit Office

Health Protection Agency

Commission for Social Care Inspection (regulators for care homes and social sector)

Independent Sector


MRSA Action UK Response to Developing the Annual Healthcheck 2008/09 - Have your say



Statutory requirement for providers of healthcare to NHS patients:

The Hygiene Code -  "Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections - The Health Act 2006



Department of Health guidance:

"Board to Ward"

Saving Lives



For more information contact Derek Butler


Telephone: 07762 741114